A year on from opening its first operation in Latin America, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has visited Brazil and firmed up opportunities for the future.
Now president elect Michael Newey has visited its chapter in Brazil which is led by RICS country manager Marcia Ferrari to get a better understanding of the real estate market in the region’s biggest economy.
He wanted to find out what is happening in the country, the challenges for surveyors and property professionals and to help plan the future of the RICS in Brazil and Latin America. He also met with Brazilian organisations whose purpose complements that of RICS as potential partners going forward.
‘We also wanted to engage with government. We need national and state governments to understand our purpose and how we might assist them,’ said Newey, adding that there is considerable enthusiasm among members to the growth of RICS in Sao Paulo and elsewhere in Brazil.
In Brasilia he discussed the ambitious programme for low cost housing construction in the country and particularly the gaps in professional services that inhibit, delay or compromise the programme. Two obvious examples were identified; the lack of project management and cost consultancy.
RICS also met with the vice president of Sinduscon, the construction syndicate, in Brasilia to discuss ways that RICS and Sinduscon might work together in the future, particularly on knowledge exchange. There was also a particular focus was on project management and cost consultancy.
Newey signed a Memorandum of Understanding between RICS and IBAPE, the national association for valuers. ‘IBAPE are keen to adopt our standards of competency and professionalism. The MoU commits us to information exchange, membership development for their leading members, training sessions, knowledge exchange and mutual understanding,’ he explained.
He also spoke at an event with SECOVI (the Brazilian Real Estate body) and FIABCI, outlining the work of the RICS and also the lessons from the London Olympics especially the critical role undertaken by members.
‘Overall I was very impressed with what has been achieved so far in Brazil. Our staff and members are enthusiastic, committed, effectively working together and clearly delivering some significant outcomes,’ said Newey.
‘There is no doubt in my mind that Brazil is fertile ground for the RICS and with effective planning, appropriate and realistic investment, and the on-going staff member partnership, I am optimistic for this region,’ he added.
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